Win32 Windows Volume Program and Code Example 20



Master File Table Program Example 1


The following program example tries to read the Master File Table and extract some of the information. Create a new Win32 console application project and give a suitable project name.


Master File Table Program Example 1 - creating a new Win32 console project


Add the source file and give a suitable name.




Master File Table Program Example 1 - adding a new C++ file to the existing project


Add the following source code.


#include <windows.h>

#include <stdio.h>

#include <winioctl.h>


// Format the Win32 system error code to string

void ErrorMessage(DWORD dwCode);


int wmain(int argc, WCHAR **argv)


      HANDLE hVolume;

      LPWSTR lpDrive = L\\\\.\\c:;

      // {0} ~ ZeroMemory()

      PNTFS_VOLUME_DATA_BUFFER ntfsVolData = {0};

      // NTFS_EXTENDED_VOLUME_DATA versionMajMin = {0};

      BOOL bDioControl = FALSE;

      DWORD dwWritten = 0;


      hVolume = CreateFile(lpDrive,








      if(hVolume == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)


            wprintf(LCreateFile() failed!\n);


            if(CloseHandle(hVolume) != 0)

                  wprintf(LhVolume handle was closed successfully!\n);



                  wprintf(LFailed to close hVolume handle!\n);






            wprintf(LCreateFile() is pretty fine!\n);




      if(ntfsVolData == NULL)

            wprintf(LInsufficient memory!\n);


            wprintf(LMemory allocated successfully!\n);  


      // a call to FSCTL_GET_NTFS_VOLUME_DATA returns the structure NTFS_VOLUME_DATA_BUFFER

      bDioControl = DeviceIoControl(hVolume, FSCTL_GET_NTFS_VOLUME_DATA, NULL, 0, ntfsVolData,

            sizeof(NTFS_VOLUME_DATA_BUFFER)+sizeof(NTFS_EXTENDED_VOLUME_DATA), &dwWritten, NULL);


      // Failed or pending

      if(bDioControl == 0)


            wprintf(LDeviceIoControl() failed!\n);


            if(CloseHandle(hVolume) != 0)

                  wprintf(LhVolume handle was closed successfully!\n);



                  wprintf(LFailed to close hVolume handle!\n);






            wprintf(LDeviceIoControl() is working...\n\n);


      wprintf(LVolume Serial Number: 0X%.8X%.8X\n,ntfsVolData->VolumeSerialNumber.HighPart, ntfsVolData->VolumeSerialNumber.LowPart);

      wprintf(LThe number of bytes in a cluster: %u\n,ntfsVolData->BytesPerCluster);

      wprintf(LThe number of bytes in a file record segment: %u\n,ntfsVolData->BytesPerFileRecordSegment);

      wprintf(LThe number of bytes in a sector: %u\n,ntfsVolData->BytesPerSector);

      wprintf(LThe number of clusters in a file record segment: %u\n,ntfsVolData->ClustersPerFileRecordSegment);

      wprintf(LThe number of free clusters in the specified volume: %u\n,ntfsVolData->FreeClusters);

      wprintf(LThe starting logical cluster number of the master file table: 0X%.8X%.8X\n,ntfsVolData->MftStartLcn.HighPart,ntfsVolData->MftStartLcn.LowPart);

      wprintf(LThe starting logical cluster number of the master file table mirror: 0X%.8X%.8X\n,ntfsVolData->Mft2StartLcn.HighPart, ntfsVolData->Mft2StartLcn.LowPart);

      wprintf(LThe length of the master file table, in bytes: %u\n,ntfsVolData->MftValidDataLength);

      wprintf(LThe starting logical cluster number of the master file table zone: 0X%.8X%.8X\n,ntfsVolData->MftZoneStart.HighPart,ntfsVolData->MftZoneStart.LowPart);

      wprintf(LThe ending logical cluster number of the master file table zone: 0X%.8X%.8X\n,ntfsVolData->MftZoneEnd.HighPart, ntfsVolData->MftZoneEnd.LowPart);

      wprintf(LThe number of sectors: %u\n,ntfsVolData->NumberSectors);

      wprintf(LTotal Clusters (used and free): %u\n,ntfsVolData->TotalClusters);

      wprintf(LThe number of reserved clusters: %u\n,ntfsVolData->TotalReserved);


      // To extract this info the buffer must be large enough, however...FAILED!

      //wprintf(LByte returns: %u\n, versionMajMin.ByteCount);

      //wprintf(LMajor version: %u\n, versionMajMin.MajorVersion);

      //wprintf(LMinor version: %u\n, versionMajMin.MinorVersion);


      if(CloseHandle(hVolume) != 0)

            wprintf(L\nhVolume handle was closed successfully!\n);



            wprintf(L\nFailed to close hVolume handle!\n);




      // free up the allocated memory by malloc()



      return 0;



// Accessory function converting the GetLastError() code

// to a meaningful string

void ErrorMessage(DWORD dwCode)


    // get the error code...

    DWORD dwErrCode = dwCode;

    DWORD dwNumChar;


    LPWSTR szErrString = NULL;  // will be allocated and filled by FormatMessage


    dwNumChar = FormatMessage( FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER |

                 FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM, // use windows internal message table

                 0,       // 0 since source is internal message table

                 dwErrCode, // this is the error code number

                 0,       // auto-determine language to use

                 (LPWSTR)&szErrString, // the message

                 0,                 // min size for buffer

                 0 );               // since getting message from system tables

      if(dwNumChar == 0)

            wprintf(LFormatMessage() failed, error %u\n, GetLastError());


      //    wprintf(LFormatMessage() should be fine!\n);


     wprintf(LError code %u:\n  %s\n, dwErrCode, szErrString) ;


      // This buffer used by FormatMessage()

    if(LocalFree(szErrString) != NULL)

            wprintf(LFailed to free up the buffer, error %u\n, GetLastError());


      //    wprintf(LBuffer has been freed\n);




Build and run the project. The following screenshot is an output sample.


Master File Table Program Example 1 - a simple console output showing some of the MFT information of the NTFS


You can compare the result with the fsutil, the Windows file system utility.


Master File Table Program Example 1 - the Windows futil tool in action



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