Win32 Windows Volume Program and Code Example 15





Mounted Folder Program Examples


The following examples illustrate the mounted folder functions which include:

  1. Displaying Volume Paths

  2. Editing Drive Letter Assignments

  3. Creating a Mounted Folder

  4. Enumerating Volume GUID Paths

  5. Deleting a Mounted Folder


Displaying Volume Paths Program Example


The following example shows how to display all paths for each volume and device. For each volume in the system, the example locates the volume, obtains the device name, obtains all paths for that volume, and displays the paths.

Create a new Win32 console application project and give a suitable project name.


Creating Mounted Folders Programmatically - creating a new project in Visual Studio 2008




Creating Mounted Folders Programmatically - creating Win32 console application project


Select the Next button to refine the project template properties.


Creating Mounted Folders Programmatically - refining the win32 application project


Select the Empty project tick box and leave others as if. Click the Finish button.


Creating Mounted Folders Programmatically - selecting the empty project type


Add the source file and give a suitable name. Select Project > Add New Item menu.


Creating Mounted Folders Programmatically - adding a new item to the existing Win32 project


Or, select the Source Files folder in Solution Explorer > Right click mouse > select Add menu > select New Item sub menu.


Creating Mounted Folders Programmatically - visual studio adding new item short cut


Select Code for Categories: and C++ File (.cpp) for Templates:. Give a suitable source file name.


Creating Mounted Folders Programmatically - adding C++ source file to the existing Win32 project


Add the following source code. Build and run the project.


// Compile As C++ Code (/TP) and using Unicode character set

#include <windows.h>

#include <stdio.h>


PWCHAR DisplayVolumePaths(PWCHAR VolumeName)


    DWORD  CharCount = MAX_PATH + 1;

    PWCHAR Names     = NULL;

    PWCHAR NameIdx   = NULL;

    BOOL   Success   = FALSE;


    for (;;)


        //  Allocate a buffer to hold the paths.

        Names = (PWCHAR) new BYTE[CharCount * sizeof(WCHAR)];


        if (!Names)


            //  If memory can't be allocated, return.

            wprintf(L\n Failed to allocate memory!\n);

            return LFailed!;



        wprintf(L\n Memory allocation for buffer should be fine!);

        //  Obtain all of the paths for this volume.

        Success = GetVolumePathNamesForVolumeNameW(VolumeName, Names, CharCount, &CharCount);


        if (Success)


            wprintf(L\n GetVolumePathNamesForVolumeNameW() should be fine!\n);

            // Break the loop




        if (GetLastError() != ERROR_MORE_DATA)


            wprintf(L\n GetVolumePathNamesForVolumeNameW() failed with error code %d\n, GetLastError());




        //  Try again with the new suggested size

        delete [] Names;

        Names = NULL;



    if (Success)


        //  Display the various paths

        for (NameIdx = Names; NameIdx[0] != L'\0'; NameIdx += wcslen(NameIdx) + 1 )


            return NameIdx;





    // Return the allocated buffer to the system

    if (Names != NULL)


        delete [] Names;

        Names = NULL;



    return LFailed;



void wmain(void)


    DWORD  CharCount            = 0;

    WCHAR  DeviceName[MAX_PATH] = L;

    DWORD  Error                = ERROR_SUCCESS;

    HANDLE FindHandle           = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;

    BOOL   Found                = FALSE;

    size_t Index                = 0;

    BOOL   Success              = FALSE;

    WCHAR  VolumeName[MAX_PATH] = L;

    PWCHAR ret = L;


    //  Enumerate all volumes in the system.

    FindHandle = FindFirstVolumeW(VolumeName, ARRAYSIZE(VolumeName));


    if (FindHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)


        Error = GetLastError();

        wprintf(LFindFirstVolumeW() failed with error code %d\n, Error);




            wprintf(LFindFirstVolumeW() should be OK!\n);


    for (;;)


        //  Skip the \\?\ prefix and remove the trailing backslash.

        Index = wcslen(VolumeName) - 1;


        if (VolumeName[0]     != L'\\' ||

            VolumeName[1]     != L'\\' ||

            VolumeName[2]     != L'?'  ||

            VolumeName[3]     != L'\\' ||

            VolumeName[Index] != L'\\')


            Error = ERROR_BAD_PATHNAME;

            wprintf(LFindFirstVolumeW()/FindNextVolumeW() returned a bad path: %s\n, VolumeName);




        // Retrieves information about MS-DOS device names.

        //  QueryDosDeviceW() doesn't allow a trailing backslash, so temporarily remove it.

        VolumeName[Index] = L'\0';


        CharCount = QueryDosDeviceW(&VolumeName[4], DeviceName, ARRAYSIZE(DeviceName));


        VolumeName[Index] = L'\\';


        // Returned value = 0 means failed

        if ( CharCount == 0 )


            wprintf(LQueryDosDeviceW() failed with error code %d\n, GetLastError());




                  wprintf(LQueryDosDeviceW() is OK!\n);


        wprintf(L\nFound a device: %s, DeviceName);

        wprintf(L\nVolume name: %s, VolumeName);

        ret = DisplayVolumePaths(VolumeName);

        wprintf(LPaths: %s\n, ret);


        //  Move on to the next volume.

        Success = FindNextVolumeW(FindHandle, VolumeName, ARRAYSIZE(VolumeName));


        if (!Success)


            if (GetLastError() != ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES)


                wprintf(L\nFindNextVolumeW() failed with error code %d\n, GetLastError());




            //  Finished iterating through all the volumes.

            Error = ERROR_SUCCESS;




                  wprintf(L\nFindNextVolumeW() should be fine!\n);



      // Closes the volume search handle

    if( FindVolumeClose(FindHandle) == 0)

            wprintf(L\nFindVolumeClose() failed with error code %s\n, GetLastError());


            wprintf(L\nFindVolumeClose() is OK!\n);





The following is example output from running the application. For each volume, the output includes a volume device path, a volume GUID path, and a drive letter.


Creating Mounted Folders Programmatically - a sample console output showing dos devices



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