The Windows Dynamic Link Library (DLL) Win32 Programming









What do we have in this session?

This is one of the important topics in Windows system programming. DLL is another form of 'executable' that have some advantageous compared to standard EXE. However DLL also creates many problems if not properly used.

  1. Intro

  2. Types of Dynamic Linking

    DLLs and Memory Management

    Advantages of Dynamic Linking

  3. Dynamic-Link Library Creation

  4. Creating Source Files

    Exporting Functions

    Creating an Import Library

    Using an Import Library

  5. Dynamic-Link Library Entry-Point Function

  6. Calling the Entry-Point Function

    Entry-Point Function Definition

    Entry-Point Function Return Value

  7. Load-Time Dynamic Linking

  8. Run-Time Dynamic Linking

    Dynamic-Link Library Search Order

    Standard Search Order

    Alternate Search Order

  9. Dynamic-Link Library Data

  10. Variable Scope

    Dynamic Memory Allocation

    Thread Local Storage

    Dynamic-Link Library Redirection

    Dynamic-Link Library Updates

  11. Using Dynamic-Link Libraries: Program Examples

  12. Creating a Simple Dynamic-Link Library Example

  13. Using Load-Time Dynamic Linking Example

  14. Using Run-Time Dynamic Linking Program Example

  15. Using Shared Memory in a Dynamic-Link Library Example

  16. DLL that Implements the Shared Memory

  17. Processes that Use the Shared Memory Program Example

  18. Another Example Using Shared Memory

  19. Using Thread Local Storage in a Dynamic-Link Library Program Example

  20. Using the DLL

  21. Dynamic-Link Library Functions

  22. Obsolete Functions

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