The Windows Dynamic Link Library (DLL) Win32 Programming |
What do we have in this session?This is one of the important topics in Windows system programming. DLL is another form of 'executable' that have some advantageous compared to standard EXE. However DLL also creates many problems if not properly used.
Types of Dynamic LinkingDLLs and Memory ManagementAdvantages of Dynamic LinkingCreating Source FilesExporting FunctionsCreating an Import LibraryUsing an Import LibraryCalling the Entry-Point FunctionEntry-Point Function DefinitionEntry-Point Function Return ValueRun-Time Dynamic LinkingDynamic-Link Library Search OrderStandard Search OrderAlternate Search OrderVariable ScopeDynamic Memory AllocationThread Local StorageDynamic-Link Library RedirectionDynamic-Link Library UpdatesCreating a Simple Dynamic-Link Library ExampleDLL that Implements the Shared MemoryObsolete Functions |
< Character Mode Application Win32 Programming | Win32 Programming | Windows DLL 1 > |