Windows Thread Synchronization 43




Synchronization Using Mutexes Program Example


A mutex is a kernel object that provides a thread with mutually exclusive access to a single resource. The state of a mutex object is set to signaled when it is not owned by any thread, and nonsignaled when it is owned. Only one thread at a time can own a mutex object, whose name comes from the fact that it is useful in coordinating mutually exclusive access to a shared resource. Any thread of the calling process can specify the mutex-object handle in a call to one of the wait functions. The single-object wait functions return when the state of the specified object is signaled. When the state of the mutex is signaled, one waiting thread is granted ownership, the state of the mutex changes to nonsignaled, and the wait function returns. The owning thread uses the ReleaseMutex function to release its ownership. The next example looks at the use of mutexes to coordinate access to a shared resource and to handshake between two threads.

Create a new empty Win32 console application project. Give a suitable project name and change the project location if needed.


Synchronization Using Mutexes Program Example: Creating another Win32 console application project



Then, add the source file and give it a suitable name.


Synchronization Using Mutexes Program Example: Adding new C++ source file


Next, add the following source code.


#include <Windows.h>

#include <stdio.h>


#define SHARED_SIZE 1024


// Shared global variables

WCHAR shared_area[SHARED_SIZE];

LPCTSTR lpszMutex = LNamedMutex;

HANDLE shared_mutex;


DWORD WINAPI thread_function(LPVOID arg)


      DWORD dwWfSO, dwWfSO1;


      // Opens an existing named mutex object.

      HANDLE hMutex = OpenMutex(MUTEX_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, lpszMutex);

      if(hMutex == NULL)

            wprintf(LOpenMutex() failed, error %u\n, GetLastError());


            wprintf(L%s mutex handle successfully opened!\n, lpszMutex);


      dwWfSO = WaitForSingleObject(hMutex, INFINITE);

      wprintf(LWaitForSingleObject() 1 returned value is 0X%.8X\n, dwWfSO);


      while(wcsncmp(Ldone, shared_area, 4) != 0)


            wprintf(LYou input %d characters...\n, wcslen(shared_area) -1);

            // Releases ownership of the specified mutex object.

            // If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero.

            // If the function fails, the return value is zero.

            if(ReleaseMutex(hMutex) != 0)

                  wprintf(LhMutex handle was released!\n);


                  wprintf(LFailed to release the hMutex handle, error %u\n, GetLastError());


            dwWfSO1 = WaitForSingleObject(hMutex, INFINITE);

            wprintf(LWaitForSingleObject() 2 returned value is 0X%.8X\n, dwWfSO1);



      if(ReleaseMutex(hMutex) != 0)

            wprintf(LhMutex handle was released!\n);


            wprintf(LFailed to release the hMutex handle, error %u\n, GetLastError());

      if(CloseHandle(hMutex) != 0)

            wprintf(LhMutex handle was closed successfully!\n);


            wprintf(LFailed to close hMutex handle, error %u\n, GetLastError());

      return 0;


int wmain()


      HANDLE a_thread;

      DWORD a_threadId, dwMWfSO1, dwMWfSO2;

      DWORD thread_result;


      // Create a mutex with no initial owner

      shared_mutex = CreateMutex( NULL, TRUE, lpszMutex );

      if (shared_mutex == NULL)


            wprintf(LCreateMutex() - Mutex initialization failed, error %u\n, GetLastError());




            wprintf(LCreateMutex() is OK! A Mutex was created successfully!\n);


      // Create a new thread.

      a_thread = CreateThread(NULL, 0, thread_function, (LPVOID)NULL, 0,&a_threadId);


      if (a_thread == NULL)


            wprintf(LCreateThread() - Thread creation failed, error %u, GetLastError());




            wprintf(LCreateThread() is OK, thread ID is %u\n, a_threadId);


      wprintf(L\nInput some text. Enter 'done' to finish\n);   



      while(wcsncmp(Ldone, shared_area, 4) != 0)


            fgetws(shared_area, SHARED_SIZE, stdin);


            if(ReleaseMutex(shared_mutex) != 0)

                  wprintf(Lshared_mutex handle was released!\n);


                  wprintf(LFailed to release the shared_mutex handle, error %u\n, GetLastError());


            dwMWfSO1 = WaitForSingleObject(shared_mutex, INFINITE);

            wprintf(LWaitForSingleObject() 3 returned value is 0X%.8X\n, dwMWfSO1);




      if(ReleaseMutex(shared_mutex) != 0)

            wprintf(Lshared_mutex handle was released!\n);


            wprintf(LFailed to release the shared_mutex handle, error %u\n, GetLastError());


      wprintf(LWaiting for thread to finish...\n);


      dwMWfSO2 = WaitForSingleObject(a_thread, INFINITE);

      wprintf(LWaitForSingleObject() 4 returned value is 0X%.8X\n, dwMWfSO1);


      if(dwMWfSO2 != WAIT_OBJECT_0)


            wprintf(LWaitForSingleObject() failed, thread join failed, error %u\n, GetLastError());




            wprintf(LWaitForSingleObject() 4 is OK!\n);


      // Retrieve the code returned by the thread.

      if(GetExitCodeThread(a_thread, &thread_result) != 0)

            wprintf(LGetExitCodeThread() is OK! Thread joined, exit code %u\n, thread_result);


            wprintf(LGetExitCodeThread() failed, error %u\n, GetLastError());


      if(CloseHandle(shared_mutex) != 0)

            wprintf(Lshared_mutex handle was closed successfully!\n);


            wprintf(LFailed to close shared_mutex handle, error %u\n, GetLastError());


      return 0;



Build and run the project. The following screenshot is a sample output.



Synchronization Using Mutexes Program Example: A sample console program output




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