Windows Access Control List (ACL) Example 15



Creating a DACL From a Scratch Program Example


Before you begin, some notes for Windows XP:


For the default setting of the Win XP installation, to view the Security tab of the Windows object you have to disable the Use simple file sharing in the folder options setting as shown in the following steps.

Launch the Windows Explorer Click the Tools menu Select the Folder Options…


Viewing the Windows Xp security tab


Then, click the View tab and uncheck the Use simple file sharing (Recommended) check box.  Click the OK button.


Enabling the Windows Xp security tab: Disabling the Use simple file sharing (Recommended)




Creating a DACL From a Scratch Example


The following example shows how to properly construct a DACL during the Windows’s object creation (Windows directory).  The example contains a function, CreateMyDACL(), that uses the security descriptor definition language (sddl) to define the granted and denied access control in a DACL and then set the access control on the newly created directory.  To provide different access for your application's objects, modify the CreateMyDACL() function as needed.   In the example:

  1. The wmain() function passes an address of a SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES structure to the CreateMyDACL() function. The CreateMyDACL() function uses SDDL strings to:

  1. Deny all access to built-in Administrators group.

  2. Allow read/write/execute access to authenticated users.

  3. Allow full control to anonymous.

  4. Allow full control to built-in guest.

  1. The CreateMyDACL() function calls the ConvertStringSecurityDescriptorToSecurityDescriptor() function to convert the SDDL strings to a security descriptor.  The security descriptor is pointed to by the lpSecurityDescriptor member of the SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES structure. CreateMyDACL() sends the return value from ConvertStringSecurityDescriptorToSecurityDescriptor() to the main function.

  2. The wmain() function uses the updated SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES structure to specify the DACL for a new folder that is created by the CreateDirectory() function.

  3. When the wmain() function is finished using the SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES structure, the wmain() function frees the memory allocated for the lpSecurityDescriptor member by calling the LocalFree() function.

To successfully compile SDDL functions such as ConvertStringSecurityDescriptorToSecurityDescriptor(), you must define the _WIN32_WINNT constant as 0x0500 or greater (please refer to _WIN32_WINNT constant for more detail).

Create a new empty Win32 console application project. Give a suitable project name and change the project location if needed.


Creating a DACL from a scratch Example: Creating a new C++ project


Then, add the source file and give it a suitable name.


Creating a DACL from a scratch Example: Adding the new C++ source file


Next, add the following source code.


// #define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0500

#include <windows.h>

#include <sddl.h>

#include <stdio.h>


// Prototype



// A directory, a securable object

WCHAR DirName[ ] = L\\\\?\\C:\\MyNewDirectory;


int wmain(int argc, WCHAR **argv)



      BOOL RetVal;


      // The SECURITY_ATTRIBUTE structure size

      sa.nLength = sizeof(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES);

      // The return handle not inherited

      sa.bInheritHandle = FALSE;

      // Call CreateMyDACL() function to set the DACL.

      // The DACL is set in the SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpSecurityDescriptor member.


      RetVal = CreateMyDACL(&sa);




            // Error encountered; generate message and just exit.

            wprintf(LFailed CreateMyDACL(), error %d\n, GetLastError());




            wprintf(LCreateMyDACL() is OK! Returned value is %d\n, RetVal);


      // Use the updated SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES to specify security attributes for securable objects.

      // This example uses security attributes during creation of a new directory.

      if(CreateDirectory(DirName, &sa) == 0)


            // Error encountered; generate message and exit.

            wprintf(LCreateDirectory() failed lol! Error %d\n, GetLastError());




            wprintf(LCreateDirectory(), %s directory was successfully created!\n, DirName);


      // Release the memory allocated for the SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR.

      if(LocalFree(sa.lpSecurityDescriptor) != NULL)


            // Error encountered; generate message and exit.

            wprintf(LLocalFree() failed, error %d.\n, GetLastError());




            wprintf(LMemory for sa.lpSecurityDescriptor was released...\n);

      return 0;



// CreateMyDACL()

//    Create a security descriptor that contains the DACL you want.

//    This function uses SDDL to make Deny and Allow ACEs.


// Parameter:


//    Pointer to a SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES structure. It is the caller's

//    responsibility to properly initialize the structure and to free the structure's

//      lpSecurityDescriptor member when the caller has finished using it.

//    To free the structure's lpSecurityDescriptor member, call the LocalFree function.


// Return value:

//    FALSE if the address to the structure is NULL. Otherwise, this function returns the value from the

//    ConvertStringSecurityDescriptorToSecurityDescriptor() function.



      PULONG nSize = 0;


      // Define the SDDL for the DACL. This example sets the following access:

      // Deny all for built-in Administrators group Allow read/write/execute to Authenticated users

      // Allow all to anonymous logon Allow all to built-in guests. This is not a

      //proper setting, how come you deny the Administrator lol!!!

      // But this example just for fun...

      WCHAR * szSD = LD:    // Discretionary ACL

            L(D;OICI;GA;;;BA)     // Deny all for built-in Administrators group :o)

            L(D;OICI;GRGWGX;;;AU) // Allow read/write/execute to Authenticated users

            L(A;OICI;GA;;;AN)     // Allow all to anonymous logon

            L(A;OICI;GA;;;BG);    // Allow all to built-in guests


      if(pSA == NULL)

            return FALSE;


            wprintf(LSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES was passed...\n);


      // Do some verifications

      wprintf(LThe ACE strings: %s \n, szSD);

      wprintf(LThe size: %d \n, pSA->nLength);

      wprintf(LThe converted string is at: %p \n, &(pSA->lpSecurityDescriptor));


      // Convert the string to the security descriptor binary and return

      return ConvertStringSecurityDescriptorToSecurityDescriptor(

            szSD,                         // The ACE strings

            SDDL_REVISION_1,              // Standard revision level

            &(pSA->lpSecurityDescriptor), // Pointer to the converted security descriptor

            nSize);                // The size in byte the converted security descriptor



Build and run the project. The following screenshot is a sample output.


Creating a DACL from a scratch Example: Console output sample


Next, verify through the MyNewDirectory property's pages.


Creating a DACL from a scratch Example: Verifying the new directory properties


Creating a DACL from a scratch Example: Anonymous logon user with full control access


Creating a DACL from a scratch Example: Authenticated Users with Deny access



Creating a DACL from a scratch Example: Guest User with full control/access


Then click the Advanced button.  The following Advanced Security Settings is shown.  It shows the permission entries in more detail.


Creating a DACL from a scratch Example: The detail of the access permissions


Try opening the directory and the access should be denied.


Creating a DACL from a scratch Example: The directory access was denied for user that doesn't have the access permission


Try deleting the MyNewDirectory directory.  Because the DENY take precedence and the ACEs is based on the First found first served and forget the rest, you cannot delete the directory in this case.

However, in this case the computer used to run this program is logged by user Mike spoon, who is a member of the Administrators group.  So he still has permission to modify the Allow, Deny Access permission.


Creating a DACL from a scratch Example: Deny access to delete a folder


Open the MyNewDirectory properties page. Tick the Allow tick box under the Full Control of Permissions for Administrators to enable the MyNewDirectory deletion and click OK.

It looks funny isn’t it?  You can’t delete but you can change the permission so that you can delete!


Creating a DACL from a scratch Example: Re-enabling the Administrators group for Full Control permission




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